Sunday, August 13, 2006


[ Story published in the school annual 2006: malayalam]

There is an Old Jackfruit Tree in our school yard. We call it ammuma plavu [Grandma Tree]. Our Principal has maintained its base so well with brick platform.  We play there during intervel.It has always been a funny place for us to paly. 
One day I spoted a bird's nest on the tip of a lower branch.
A beautiful honey sparrow was watching us from inside the nest.
It had red eye, dark beak, shinig bule feather and black sharp hair..
So cute...I called it MEETU.We saw another bird around. Her partner.
Meetu always looks at us playing. She looks at us with love.
I watched it every day.On one lunch time , I noticed that Meetu was not in the nest.
Then I managed to look into the nest.
I saw two small eggs. So full of spots.Small and beatiful.
Teacher told us not to disturb it again. Meetu has to give warmth to the eggs.
Then only it will hatch out to young ones....the baby birds.
Then we became very cautious. Meetu still watch us from inside the nest.Her partner always around.
During another intervel I heard voice from the nest . 
I saw two small little baby birds.The same red eye. The same blue feather on neck.The same long black hair.The same dark beak.The twins. Meetu's own children.
I love it.
Meetu flew in with food. She and her partner were busy fetching food for the young.
The baby birds look out eagerly for the parents to return with food.
I wanted to take the baby birds to my home.
" No" Teacher said." The babies need to get warmth from mother. Then only they grow healthy."
" Birds need to fly freely. Then only they will be happy"
" Cageing is cruel than death"Teacher told me..
"The sparrow feed on honey from flowers".
."Then only flowers can bear fruits". "Let the sparrows have enough honey and fly aloft in the sky." Teacher advised.
Had there been a lot of flowering garden in my school !! I hoped !
.Our meetu and her little babies could drink stomach  full of honey..



Blogger purethoughts said...

hi meera good work keep it up.u need a malayalam font to blog in malayalam

1:33 AM  

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